Archive: Lessons

Activating Notifications

In the upper menu, go to the Notifications tab, then click on the Activate New Notification button found here.

There are two main notification types based on destination: Admin and Student notifications. You can also decide if a notification affects all of the courses or just a specific one.

When typing your subject and message, make sure to use the shortcodes found on the right hand side of the page.

Additional settings can be found by navigating to the General Options -> Notifications tab.

You can also activate the option for Pushover Notifications by going to the Magic Feature tab and setting this feature up. Afterwards when creating or editing a notification a new section called Pushover Notifications will appear.

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Creating a Course

A course is a collection of lessons and quizzes, a quiz is a collection of questions. Before making a course make sure you have everything else created to make things easier for yourself.

In the upper menu, go to the Courses tab, then click on the Add new Course button found here.

In the upper portion of the page you have a menu with useful links to help you customize your course, for example the Special Settings button.

After adding content in the first area, you can scroll to the Course Sections, by clicking the + sign, you create a new section. Enter a name for it and add courses or quizzes to it.

When adding elements to a section you can search for them, press +Add all to add the whole list, for a single element you can click the + button, double click or drag and drop to the left.

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Special Settings - Intro

These are very important settings which bring a new level of customization to: Questions, Quizzes, Lessons and Courses.

You can access these settings by hovering over an existing item and clicking on Special Settings or when creating / editing one of the above items, at the top of the page and / or on the right hand side menu you have the Special Settings buttons.

They are different for each item, to learn more either access their respective pages or head over to the knowledge base and read about them there.

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Payment Services

You can find a list of all the payment services by going in the upper menu and clicking on the Payment Services tab. Here you can click on which box you want to set up.

If a certain payment is grayed out it means that you must first navigate to the Extensions tab and activate the Payment Integration module from there.

Each payment type requires different settings in order for it to work.

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Adding a new Lesson

In the upper menu, go to the Lessons tab, then click on the Add new Lesson button found here.

In the content area you will type in your lesson and once you are ready hit publish!

An additional section called Lesson Drip Content can be found below the content area only after activating the Magic Feature: Lesson Drip Content. This will allow you to release content at regular intervals by creating a release schedule for your content.

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Creating a Question

In the upper menu, go to the Questions tab, then click on the Add new Question button found here. You can type your message here, then you have the option to select which Type of Question it is, you can select one from the drop-down menu.

Example: If  you select the type to be Multi Choice, then you can add as many answers as you want by clicking Add new Option, then at the bottom you can add the correct answer.

When you are done editing, simply click on the Publish button found on the right hand side menu.

You can also access the Special Settings page where you can edit how many Quiz Points the question is worth, add a Hint Message and a Question Explanation. When creating or editing a Question, on the right hand side menu you have the Special Settings button. We will cover this section later in the course.

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Setting up a Quiz

In the upper menu, go to the Quizzes tab, then click on the Add new Quiz button found here.

You can add content in the first section, or skip to the Quiz Questions section where you can add existing questions to your quiz. You can click on the + icon, drag and drop and search for specific questions.

When you are done editing, simply click on the Publish button found on the right hand side menu.

You can also access the Special Settings page where you have some useful options you can further tweak. We will cover this section later in the course.

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